Since 2000, The Antioch Foundation has provided financial support to innovative people and institutions across the U.S. and around the word to share the Gospel of Jesus and serve others in the areas of faith, education, medicine, and humanitarian need.


Our Mission:

To make a positive difference in the lives of others for the greater glory of God.

Because of God’s abundant blessings in our lives, especially the gift of a Savior, we cannot help but show our thankfulness to Him by sharing those blessings with other people.
— The Antioch Foundation founders

What We FUND:

  • Grants can only be made to federal tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organizations.

  • Pilot programs, start-up costs, or building projects receive priority over operating budget items.

  • Most awards do not exceed $40,000 and are generally awarded for a one-year period. Multi-year grants are occasionally made for larger amounts.

  • Evidence of project support from other donors is highly desirable.

  • According to the wishes of the founders, faith-related grants will only be given to the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) and other church bodies in fellowship with it (Evangelical Lutheran Synod, Lutheran Church of Central Africa, etc.).

  • Examples of previously funded grants include:



Church construction and remodel; audio, video, and online training materials production; summer youth programs



Classroom technology; tuition assistance; teacher training seminars; special education programs



Hospital and clinic expansion; advanced technology; research; community health outreach


Humanitarian NEED

Natural disaster relief; water filtration and purification; temporary housing; food distribution

Annual Reports:

Click to download a summary of our grant recipients, the subject area in which their project lies, and the date the funds were distributed.